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Theatre Resources Guide: Library Essentials

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Library Services & Resources

Face-to-Face Research Help There is always a Library Department faculty member at the Library's Reference Desk to provide individual research help when the Library Media Resources Center is open. This is a drop-in service - no appointments are necessary. This service is available on an on-call basis when the College is open but classes are not in session.  
Online Research Help Connect to library faculty by either email or chat to get help with research assignments.
iPad/Laptop Loan Program Currently registered students may borrow these iPads and laptops from the Media Desk in E-101 for three days for on campus or home use.
My Library Account Request books from any other CUNY college library and renew any books (except reserve items like textbooks) you have checked out.
Institutional Archives Keeps and catalogs primary documents and artifacts related to LaGuardia Community College.
Research Guides by Subject A collection of over 40 guides (and growing), each of which details specific books, databases, and online resources you can use for your research assignments right away. 
Library Research Review Competition Submit a research paper that has been graded by one of your professors and has received an "A" for a chance to win a monetary award and other prizes.
Directory of Library Service Units, Faculty, & Staff The Library Media Resources Center and the Library Department are here to help you! Feel free to email or call us.


Find Articles Online

The article databases are indexed by subject (e.g. Criminology, Psychology, etc.) or type/format of information (e.g. Statistics, Images, etc.)

Click here to if you need to FIND AN ARTICLE FROM A CITATION, then follow these steps:

  1. Enter the journal title in the search box. This will give you the database that carries the journal.
  2. Click on the database link, making sure it covers the year the article was published.
  3. Once you get to the database choose the "search within journal option" and add keywords from the article title.

Find Books

In the "Search type:" you can narrow your search by author or title. Also try selecting "All CUNY Libraries" from the "Select a library:"

If the book is available from another CUNY library or is a LaGuardia book that is in storage, You may request it be delivered to the Check Out Desk.

Click to learn how to REQUEST A BOOK.

Library Media Resources Center
LaGuardia Community College
31-10 Thomson Avenue, room E101
Long Island City, NY 11101
Email the Library