1. Directories:
Open Directory Project - "...largest human-edited directory of the Web"
Infomine: Scholarly Internet Research Collection from the University of California-Riverside - (Went offline 12/15/14)
Digital Librarian maintained by Margaret Vail Anderson, a librarian
www.digital-librarian.com - (Last updated 4/20/13)
Internet Public Library (ipl2) - http://ipl2.org - (Ceased operations 6/30/15)
WWW Virtual Library http://vlib.org/ - Started by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991, oldest Web directory.
2. Guides:
Boswell, Wendy. The Invisible Web: How To Find and Search the Invisible Web. About.com. 2009.
A tutorial from the UC Berkeley Library. Invisible or Deep Web: What It Is, How to Find It, And Its Inherent Ambiguity. 2012.
3. Search Tools:
http://base.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/en/index.php - BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
www.closerlooksearch.com - Closer Look Search - Example of a vertical search engine
http://deep-web.org - Deep Web Search - A How-To Site
http://deeperweb.com - deeper web (powered by Google) -(Beta 2010)
http://mednar.com/mednar/ - Mednar
https://millionshort.com - Million Short will remove from a hundred to a million top websites from search results to reach new and original resources.
http://www.refseek.com - (in public beta 2014) - "is a web search engine for students and researchers that aims to make academic information easily accessible to everyone."
www.archive.org/web/web.php - Internet Archive Wayback Machine - archive of websites
http://www.wolframalpha.com - Wolfram Alpha - Computational knowledge engine
http://www.deepdotweb.com - Deep.Dot.Web - "provides the public with information about the dark net."
http://www.vocativ.com - Vocativ - a "new type of media company, bringing audiences hidden perspectives, unheard voices and original ideas from around the world via the Deep Web."
4. Specialized Databases:
http://www.doaj.org/ - Directory of Open Access Journals
www.eric.ed.gov - Digital library of education research and information
www.findlaw.com - Information on federal and state laws, lawsuits, etc.
www.loc.gov - Library of Congress
https://pipl.com/ - People search
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/ - PubMed: U.S. National Library of Medicine portal to government-funded medical research
www.science.gov - Gateway to U.S. Federal Science
www.scienceresearch.com - A free Web portal to science journals and science databases
http://topsy.com - Searches the social web (Closed December 2015)
www.usa.gov - The official Web portal to the U. S. government
http://worldwidescience.org - "The global science gateway". Available now in 10 languages.
5. Weblogs:
The Invisible Web Revisited - http://invisiblewebrevisited.wordpress.com/
Maintained by Francine Egger-Sider
Going Beyond Google Again - http://goingbeyondgoogleagain.wordpress.com/
Maintained by Francine Egger-Sider
Invisible Web Weblog - http://invisibleweblog.blogspot.com/
Maintained by Yazdan Mansourian.
6. LibGuides:
http://libguides.uky.edu/content.php?pid=53054&sid=1992304 - LibGuide created by the University of Kentucky Libraries in which the Invisible Web is depicted as a venn diagram
http://guides.stlcc.edu/deepweb - St. Louis Community College Library LibGuide, "Deep Web: Welcome"