Across the Pacific: Asian Americans and Globalization. New York: Asia Society, 1999.
E 184 .O6 A28 2000
Asian American Studies: Identity, Images, Issues Past and Present. New York: Peter Lang, 2000.
E 184 .O6 A8418 2000
Daley, William. The Chinese Americans. New York: Chelsea House, 1996.
E 184 .C5 D35 1996
Hurh, Won Moo. The Korean Americans. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998.
E 184 .K6 H875 1998
Lehrer, Brian. The Korean Americans. New York: Chelsea House, 1996.
E 184 .K6 L45 1996
Leonard, Karen Isaksen. The South Asian Americans. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1997.
E 184 .S69 L36 1997
Lessinger, Johanna. From the Ganges to the Hudson: Indian Immigrants in New York City. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1995.
F 128.9 .E2 L47 1995
Ng, Franklin. The Taiwanese Americans. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998.
E 184 .T35 N45 1998
Takaki, Ronald T. In the Heart of Filipino America: Immigrants from the Pacific Islands. New York: Chelsea House, 1995.
E 184 .F4 T34 1995
Bayor, Ronald H. The New York Irish. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.
F 128.9 I6 N49 1996
Dolan, Sean. The Polish Americans. New York: Chelsea House, 1997.
E 184 .P7 D65 1997
German Americans. New York: Chelsea House, 1996.
E 184 .G3 G15 1996
Italian Americans. New York: Chelsea House, 2001.
E 184 .I8 D47 2001
O'Hanlon, Ray. The New Irish Americans. Boulder, CO: Roberts Rinehart, 1998.
E 184 .I6 O47 1998
Orleck, Annelise. The Soviet Jewish Americans. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1999.
E 184 .J5 O68 1999
Catalino, Julia. The Mexican Americans. New York: Chelsea House, 1996.
E 184 .M5 C375 1996
Haslip-Viera, Gabriel. Latinos in New York: Communities in Transition. Notre Dame: Notre Dame University Press, 1996.
F 128.9 .S75 L37 1996b
Pessar, Patricia R. A Visa for a Dream: Dominicans in the United States. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1995.
F 128.9 .D6 P47 1995
Torres-Saillant, Silvio. The Dominican Americans. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998.
E 184 .D6 T67 1998