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Phi Theta Kappa/Alpha Theta Phi - Honors in Action: 2015


Future topics for research

June 30, 2015 topics to look into:

~ Liberal Arts education -- is it still valued in our culture (if our 'culture' is the college or university community)?

~ What are people not encouraged to go into the liberal arts?

~ Can you find statistics on how many liberal arts majors there are in the US? In the world? Are these viable careers?

~ Why are 'geeks' and 'smart' people called 'nerds'? How is the word being reappropriated in a positive way? For while it was uncool to be a nerd, now everyone proudly calls themselves nerds.

~ Can there be a standard bar of success in a culture? Does/Would a standard hinder creativity?

~ US society allows more creativity than other cultures. What is the difference? Are there differences in college cultures?

~ How do cultures stifle creativity? How does this feed into stereotypes? Is the US different than other societies in this regard?

Honors in Action Program Guide

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society - Alpha Theta Phi @ LaGuardia Community College

2014-2015: Frontiers and the Spirit of Exploration

Topic chosen for 2014 - Theme 9: Borders and Boundaries

Theme chosen for 2015 - Theme 3


June 23, 2015 meeting questions and topics:

~ What sorts of limitations should be placed on personal expression?

~ Should art/films be banned because a culture does not agree with it?

~ Censorship of words, expressions, art

~ What is 'culture' and how does it influence 'expression' (of what?)? 

~ Culture: spiritual, political, economics, social class, religion, larp, race/ethnicity, etc.

~ Look up 1st Amendment and what does it say about the right to free speech? How does this connect to limiting the freedom of others?

Google Doc link

Education and Creativity

First Amendment of the US Constitution

Psychology and Culture

Culture and Emotion Lab at Stanford University

Theme 3: Human Expression

HIA guide theme 3 page 2

Video: On Picking a Research Topic

Culture and Expression sources

Some starting points for food studies research

Possible research questions

  1. Importance of food and human interaction
    • How food can express an individual and culture
    • Why doesn't food usually change as a whole
    • How much cultural identity would be lost if food was standardized (like fast food etc)
  2. Question from review of book, Everyone Eats: "...Everyone eats...takes a biocultural approach to address such sweeping questions as: Why do we eat the way we do? What is the role of biology and culture in determining our foodways? What explains the radically divergent food preferences and practices that prevail in different cultures? What and how do we communicate with food, and how does it establish community, difference, and enmity? What can be done about global inequalities in access to food?..."
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