Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society - Alpha Theta Phi @ LaGuardia Community College
Step 1: Think about your topic! What questions are you trying to answer?
Step 2: List terms that best represent the main concepts of your topic.
If nothing comes to mind, it is time to do some background research!
Event description: TBA
Theme 1: The Heirs of Our Ways - Student Research
Alba, R. (2004). Language Assimilation Today: Bilingualism Persists More Than in the Past, But English Still Dominates. UC San Diego: Center for Comparative Immigration Studies. Retrieved from
Silver, Laura, et al. “Views of National Identity in U.S., UK, France and Germany.” Pew Research Center's Global Attitudes Project, Pew Research Center, 5 May 2021,
Theme 1: The Heirs of Our Ways - Resources from HIA Guide
Aldy, J. E. (2016). Mobilizing political action on behalf of future generations. The future of children, 26(1), 157-178. Retrieved from
Lally, R. (2013). For our babies: Ending the invisible neglect of America’s infants. New York, NY: Teacher’s College Press, Columbia University. Physical copy at LaGuardia CC Library HQ778.63 .L35 2013 > If the book is not available, here are resources from the website associated with the book