Look at the Plagiarism Prevention Guide to find out all about plagiarism and how to avoid it.
People who are good at managing their time not only keep their stress and anxiety levels low, they are also more efficient at getting things done. In other words, they are productive. Watch the following video clip to learn more about improving your own productivity.
Do you find you leave things to the last minute? As a student your life is very busy. You have courses to take, assignments and papers to get done, jobs to go to, family to please. This can all be overwhelming and sometimes juggling all you responsibilities might lead you to leave certain things, like school work, to the last minute - to procrastinate.
Here is a Web site that provides you with tips that can help you to stop procrastinating and manage your time better in order to get things done more efficiently. Remember, good time-management helps ensure that you won't need to resort to plagiarism: