OER stands for Open Educational Resources. Creating or adapting OER takes a lot of work. What motivates faculty, staff, and students to create OER?
Know your "why"!
Are you creating OER for...
Textbook prices have increased at a much higher rate than other goods
"Part of my excitement about the power of OER is tempered by my sense that we are dabbling in the trees while the forest is on fire... By now, most people involved with OER know the truly shocking statistics about textbook costs and how they adversely affect student success … OER is a larger social justice issue, foundationally related to the question of who should have access to knowledge, knowledge creation and education…If OER is appealing because they can help make knowledge more accessible, then we must care about the myriad issues -- from child care to transportation -- that prevent our potential students from even coming to our classrooms in the first place. "
-Robin DeRosa, 2017
Education is a fundamental human right
OER helps students afford education
Helps fill gaps in the curriculum
Helps share knowledge and expertise
Keeps content relevant and high quality
Knowledge as a Public Good
Contributes to open knowledge
Meets Sustainable Development Goal