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LaGaurdia's OER Toolkit: Find, Adopt, & Create OER

Introduction to Find & Adopt OER

The beauty of OER is that depending on the license permissions, you can copy open content, adapt it for your own purposes, and thereby build on the knowledge of others! Before creating an OER project from scratch, do some research about what's already out there that you can build from. Below find some great places to start your search.

Using Google to Find OER

 Screenshot of Google Advanced Search. There is a red box around the field "usage rights" and the selected dropdown is "free to use, share or modify, even commercially"

Use the Advanced Search feature on Google. Scroll to the bottom of the Advanced Search page and change the settings under “Usage Rights.” Always double-check that what you find is open.​


  • Repositories enable you to search for all types of OER: textbooks, assignments, syllabi, slides, and more  ​

  • OER Commons and MERLOT are helpful examples with strong search and filtering​

 OER Commons Landing Page

Screenshot of the OER Commons landing page which shows search bars and contains the tag line "Explore. Create. Collaborate"

Open Courses/Multimedia

OER Textbooks


  • Major publisher, peer reviewed​

  • Includes ancillary materials

Open Textbook Library

  • Great search portal​

  • Includes professor reviews

BC OpenCampus

  • Another great search portal from a leading organization in open learning 


Examples of Open Textbooks

CUNY/LaGuardia OER

Library Media Resources Center
LaGuardia Community College
31-10 Thomson Avenue, room E101
Long Island City, NY 11101
Email the Library