For information regarding research policies and procedures, please contact:
Jessica Zeichner-Saca
Executive Associate to the Provost
Laura Bartovics
Director, Grants Development
Some journals, especially in the sciences, often charge for accepted manuscripts to be published (this is different from predatory publishing). These fees are usually known as APCs (article processing charges). In many disciplines, open access journals may charge author fees in order to support making its content freely available online. And some publishers of traditional subscription journals offer to publish a scholar's article as open access upon payment of a fee. Where can you get funds for these things?
PDF of slides here
Does your journal or grant provider have an Open Access mandate, require you to provide research data publicly, or ask to ensure long term access to a project?
The Institutional Archives can help you navigate digital preservation by offering guidance on formats and ways to provide access to your data and preserve your projects. This includes everything from website snapshots to climatology data sets.
Depending on the size of the research, access requirements, and privacy concerns, we can also help provide stable long term access to projects and datasets through platforms like CUNY Academic Works, or through the Institutional Archives managed storage on Amazon Web Services and/or local hardware.