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Phi Theta Kappa/Alpha Theta Phi - Honors in Action: 2023-2024



Theme 4: Preserving Stories (2024-2025)

Past years:

Theme 5: The Soul of Play (2023-2024)

---Research question brainstorming doc


New Member Orientation, Fall 2023

Program Guide

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society - Alpha Theta Phi @ LaGuardia Community College

Where do we start?

Step 1:  Think about your topic!  What questions are you trying to answer?

Step 2:  List terms that best represent the main concepts of your topic.

  • list
  • keywords
  • relevant to topic or assignment 

If nothing comes to mind, it is time to do some background research!

keyword strategy

What are our learning outcomes?

PTK Honors in Action Project - Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate undergraduate research fundamentals by identifying sources, appraising their credibility, and formulating conclusions based on evidence.
  • Demonstrate critical thinking and reflective skills throughout the research process.
  • To learn more about Honors in Action, enroll in the PTK Research Edge online tutorial.


Recommended Resources from the Honors Program Guide - 2022-2023

From the HIA Guide:

  • Bjørkvold, J. R. (2005). W. H. (Halvorsen, W. H., Trans). The muse within: Creativity and communication, song and play from childhood through maturity. Peer Gynt Press. Bjørkvold located the human capacity for creativity in expressions of play. He challenged current educational practices that focus on rules in support of spontaneous activities that allow humans from childhood through adulthood to access the music within more freely. [Request from CUNY Libraries] [See here for more ideas.]
  • Crawford, G., & Hancock, D. (2019). Cosplay and the art of play: Exploring sub-culture through art. Palgrave Macmillan. Crawford and Hancock provided a study of Cosplay culture as a contemporary urban subculture and expanded our understanding of play. The authors used “play” as their research methodology to introduce readers to the art expressed through designing costumes, identities, and performances. [See here for more library sources on cosplay]
  • Elliott, D., Silverman, M., & Bowman, W. (Eds.). (2016). Artistic citizenship: Artistry, social responsibility, and ethical praxis. Oxford University Press. Elliott et al. examined how artists and art educators can use play and the arts to transform individuals and societies through the positive contributions that they provide. [Request from CUNY Libraries] [See here for more ideas.]
  • Liboriussen, B. (2013). Craft, creativity, computer games: The fusion of play and material consciousness. Philosophy & Technology, 26(3), 273-282. Liboriussen hypothesized that the playing of video games is more than just play–that it is an extension of culture and craftsmanship and contributes to our well-being.
  • Riede, F., Johanse, N., Hogberg, A., Nowell, A., & Lombard, M. (2018). The role of play objects and object play in human cognitive evolution and innovation. Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, 27(1), 46-59. Riede et al. examined the role of object play and the materials of play in human evolution. They address the role of innovative play in cultural development.

Library resource list for Play Studies  (from a 2019 issue of the journal Choice

Recommended resources from HIA Guide:

A few more recommended readings:

Library resource list for Play Studies  (from a 2019 issue of the journal Choice

Recommended resources from HIA Guide:

  • Ferguson, S. (2019). Race, gender, sexuality, and social class: Dimensions of inequality and identity. Sage Publications. This book described how social statuses shape our experiences and impact our life chances. The author described how race, class, gender, and sexuality intersect with one another to produce social inequalities and form the bases of our identities in society. BOOK available @LaGuardia CC LIbrary 
  • Hyde, E., Omura, J., Fulton, J., Lee, S., Piercy, K., & Carlson, S. (2020). Disparities in youth sports participation in the U.S., 2017-2018. American Journal of Preventative Medicine, 59(5), 207-210. This study provided national estimates of U.S. youth aged 6–17 years who participated in sports and examined the differences in participation by demographic characteristics. ARTICLE via LaGuardia CC Library databases
  • Chappetta, K. C., & Barth, J. M. (2020). Gaming roles versus gender roles in online gameplay. Information, Communication & Society. 369118X.2020.1764608 Using social role theory and role congruity theory as theoretical frameworks, the authors proposed that attitudes and beliefs related to traditional gender roles account for differences in the way that games are played and experienced by women compared to men. ARTICLE (pre-pub version) online
  • Lai, & Low, C.-T. (2019). Provision of Convenient Play Space in a Densely Populated City. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health16(4), 651–. - ARTICLE via LaGuardia CC Library databases
  • Manning, A., & Hartmann, D. (2016). Kids of color in the American sporting landscape: Limited, concentrated, and controlled. In Messner, M., & Musto, M. (Eds). Child’s Play, 43-60. https://doi. org/10.36019/9780813571478  Manning and Hartmann argued that while opportunities for fun, fitness, socialization, development, and mobility in and through sports exist for American children of color, they also faced challenges of access and issues of treatment that are unique, uneven, and unequal.- BOOK can be requested
  • Zeigler, C. (2016). Fair play: How LGBT athletes are claiming their rightful place in sports. Edge of Sports. This book provided a discussion of the advancements that LGBTQ athletes have made in sports, and how current developments will impact LGBTQ athletes in the future. E-BOOK online via LaGuardia CC Library databases

More recommended library research sources:

  • Bennet, Yiannakoulias, N., Williams, A. M., & Kitchen, P. (2012). Playground Accessibility and Neighbourhood Social Interaction Among Parents. Social Indicators Research108(2), 199–213. -- ARTICLE via LaGuardia CC Library databases
  • Brennan, Blanchard, S., Scharn, B., Milbert, K., & Samuelson, S. (2016). The Need for Accessibility in Playgrounds for Children With Disabilities. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy70(4_Supplement_1), 7011505165–7011505165p1. -- ARTICLE via LaGuardia CC Library databases
  • Holt, & Beckett, A. (2017). Designing Out the Play: Accessibility and Playfulness in Inclusive Play. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics242, 291–297. ARTICLE ONLINE
  • Moore, & Lynch, H. (2015). Accessibility and usability of playground environments for children under 12: A scoping review. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy22(5), 331–344. - ARTICLE via LaGuardia CC Library databases
  • Perry, Devan, H., Fitzgerald, H., Han, K., Liu, L.-T., & Rouse, J. (2018). Accessibility and usability of parks and playgrounds. Disability and Health Journal11(2), 221–229. -- ARTICLE via LaGuardia CC Library databases
  • Peter, & Sherratt, D. (2002). Developing Play and Drama in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders. David Fulton Publishers. E-BOOK via LaGuardia CC Library
  • Rigolon, & Flohr, T. L. (2014). Access to Parks for Youth as an Environmental Justice Issue: Access Inequalities and Possible Solutions. Buildings (Basel)4(2), 69–94. -- ONLINE via LaGuardia CC Library databases


  • Altenmüller-Lewis, U. (2017). Designing schools for students on the spectrum. The Design Journal, 20(sup1), S2215-S2229. DOI: 10.1080/14606925.2017.1352738 Altenmüller-Lewis explored current research on designing educational spaces for learners across the autism spectrum. ONLINE 

Honors in Action event 2023

Event description: TBA

Presentation from 2021
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